Subscription rates: UK Single £25, UK Family £30, Europe £30, Overseas £35
To JOIN or RENEW your subscription ‘On-line’ using your credit/debit card,
Payment is by the secure shopping cart, paying by
MasterCard & Visa Credit & Debit cards and Maestro
using the WorldPay system.
Click here to go to the Shopping Cart
General Membership Conditions
Membership of the DHRS is for a calendar year: 1st January to 31st December and members receive four issues of the Darjeeling Mail magazine for that Year. (February, May, August & November issues).
Members joining between 1st January to 30th September are deemed to be paid up until 31st December of that same year and will receive the four issues of that year’s Darjeeling Mail.
Members joining from 1st October to 31st December are deemed to be paid up until 31st December the following year and members will receive five copies of the Darjeeling Mail magazine. (November issue through to November issue the following year).
UK Single Membership
1 To receive a DHRS membership card as a receipt of their subscription
2 To receive one copy of each issue of the Darjeeling Mail
3 To attend AGMs and EGMs of the DHRS having one vote
1 To pay the annual Membership Fee (£25 for 2025)
2 Every member of the company promises, if the company is dissolved while he or she or it is a member or within twelve months after he or she or it ceases to be a member, to contribute such sum (not exceeding £1 sterling) as may be demanded of him or her or it towards the payment of the debts and liabilities of the company incurred before he or she or it ceases to be a member, and of the costs charges and expenses of winding up, and the adjustment of the rights of the contributories among themselves.
UK Family Membership
1 To nominate two persons as members of DHRS, each of which will receive a membership card as a receipt of their subscription
2 To receive one copy per family of each issue of the Darjeeling Mail
3 To attend at AGMs and EGMs of the DHRS having one vote per nominated person
1 To pay the annual Family Membership Fee (£30 for 2025).
2 Each nominated person promises, if the company is dissolved while he or she or it is a member or within twelve months after he or she or it ceases to be a member, to contribute such sum (not exceeding £1 sterling) as may be demanded of him or her or it towards the payment of the debts and liabilities of the company incurred before he or she or it ceases to be a member, and of the costs charges and expenses of winding up, and the adjustment of the rights of the contributories among themselves.
European Membership
1 To receive a DHRS membership card as a receipt of their subscription
2 To receive one copy of each issue of the Darjeeling Mail
3 To attend at AGMs and EGMs of the DHRS having one vote
1 To pay the annual European Membership Fee (£30 for 2025).
2 Every member of the company promises, if the company is dissolved while he or she or it is a member or within twelve months after he or she or it ceases to be a member, to contribute such sum (not exceeding £1 sterling) as may be demanded of him or her or it towards the payment of the debts and liabilities of the company incurred before he or she or it ceases to be a member, and of the costs charges and expenses of winding up, and the adjustment of the rights of the contributories among themselves.
Overseas Membership
1 To receive a DHRS membership card as a receipt of their subscription.
2 To receive one copy of each issue of the Darjeeling Mail
3 To attend AGMs and EGMs of the DHRS having one vote
1 To pay the annual Overseas Membership Fee (£35 for 2025).
2 Every member of the company promises, if the company is dissolved while he or she or it is a member or within twelve months after he or she or it ceases to be a member, to contribute such sum (not exceeding £1 sterling) as may be demanded of him or her or it towards the payment of the debts and liabilities of the company incurred before he or she or it ceases to be a member, and of the costs charges and expenses of winding up, and the adjustment of the rights of the contributories among themselves.
To JOIN or RENEW your subscription ‘On-line’ using your credit/debit card,
Payment is by the secure shopping cart, paying by
MasterCard & Visa Credit & Debit cards and Maestro
using the WorldPay system.
Click here to go to the Shopping Cart

Note that WorldPay & PayPal charge us about 4% to use the facility, but it is worth while for the “paper trail” that it gives us and the ease of World-wide credit card shopping for our members and non-members.
To JOIN or RENEW the DHRS by post:-
Email the Membership Secretary for an application form and send with a Cheque in UK Sterling,
made payable to:- Darjeeling Himalayan Railway Society or DHRS
Please note that the banks now charge about £1 for possessing cheque's.
Send the form and payment to:-
The Membership Secretary.
Mrs Moo Barrie
1 Interfields Cottage
Lower Interfields
WR14 1UU
To RENEW your membership by post:-
Reply using the payment slip on the Renewal Reminder letter that you received with your November issue of the Darjeeling Mail and send it, with either cash or a Cheque in UK Sterling, to the above address.
Please note that the banks now charge about £1 for possessing cheque's.
Cheque's to be made payable to:- Darjeeling Himalayan Railway Society or DHRS