The Darjeeling Himalayan Railway Society is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, no. 7406570. Registered office: Lime Tree Lodge, Thorpe Road, Mattersley, Doncaster, DN10 5ED
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Support for Schools


Since 2005 the Society has encouraged and supported schools and colleges along the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway (DHR) in improving young people’s awareness of the World Heritage railway that runs through their communities.

How We Help

Each year we fund a DHR Schools Awareness Programme with our invaluable partners, the ladies of the Inner Wheel Club of Darjeeling. The programme includes DHR-themed competitions (art, colouring, poetry, dancing and photography) refreshments and a train ride.

How You Can Help

By telling us of any links you have with schools or colleges along the DHR that might like more information about our activities.

By donating to our associated charity, the Darjeeling Railway Community Support (www. and allocating your donation to an educational project. Together we will make best use of your donation and give you feedback on how it has been used.

For Further Information

Please contact Paul Whittle, Vice Chairman DHRS at 07387 159487 or

Early Days – Our first schools prize-giving event held at Raj Bhavan,
Darjeeling in November 2006.

Staff and pupils of the Maharani Higher Girls’ Secondary School at Darjeeling Station on
16 November 2024.
Representing the DHRS was David Charlesworth, author of the UNESCO-funded
Baby Sivok book, distributed to several other Darjeeling schools as
part of the 2024 Schools Programme. (Photo credit: Inner Wheel Club of Darjeeling).