The Darjeeling Himalayan Railway Society is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, no. 7406570. Registered office: Lime Tree Lodge, Thorpe Road, Mattersley, Doncaster, DN10 5ED
Web site designed in-house by DHRS © 2024

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 DHRS News from the Line  & Press Release Page

Notes for Editors

The Darjeeling Himalayan  Railway Society was formed in 1997.
It has about 600 members in 24 countries. The web site is

The Darjeeling  Himalayan Railway opened in 1881.
The line from  New Jalpaiguri to Darjeeling is 55 miles long and rises to over 7,400ft.

For more information  please contact

Paul Whittle,
Public Relations Officer
on: 07387 159 487

Reports  from the Line - How You Can Help

The DHRS welcomes factual, current information from recent visitors to the  line.
Information should include dates, locations, locomotive and carriage details,  and timings.
Any other more general information e.g. special workings is  also welcome.
If photographs are available for the use of the Society, please detail them and sent to ""
All reports and photos will always be acknowledged and any reports or photos used will be credited.


This popular on-line magazine for rail enthusiasts circulates widely within India.
The latest issue (May 2024) includes a large variety of articles,
including one about the DHR, see pages 14 to 16

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