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NEWS RELEASE  5 October 2007

DHRS and Indian Railways sign Memorandum of Understanding

At a signing ceremony held in London on Sunday 30 September the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway Society (DHRS) and the Board of Indian Railways (IR) have agreed a formal Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).

The MOU commits the two parties to work together for mutual benefit in issues concerning the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway (DHR) and its adjacent buffer zones, and covers such issues as communication, technical support, charter tours and facilitation of visits.

The MOU was signed for the DHRS by Chairman, David Barrie and for Indian Railways by Secretary, Railway Board, Shri Mathew John.

Also present at the signing ceremony was Shri Ashutosh Swami, General Manager, Northeast Frontier Railway (operational responsibility for the DHR) and David Morgan, Chairman, Heritage Railway Association and President, FEDECRAIL.

Negotiations for the MOU had been conducted for Indian Railways by Shri Rajesh Agrawal, Executive Director, Heritage and for the DHRS by its Patron, Sir Mark Tully and Public Relations Officer, Paul Whittle.

Said David Barrie, Chairman DHRS “ Signing of the MOU is a milestone. Indian Railways has been generous in acknowledging the contribution of the DHRS in the revival of the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway. We look forward to ever closer co-operation with them in the conservation and sensitive development of this unique and world famous railway”.

Image of the MoU

Paul Whittle 

Public Relations Officer 

01932 346549