The Darjeeling Himalayan Railway Society is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, no. 7406570. Registered office: Lime Tree Lodge, Thorpe Road, Mattersley, Doncaster, DN10 5ED
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19B and the DHRS position
It is vital that we find a way of attracting younger members to the DHRS, with 19B, DTLT and Statfold Barn Farm, a permanent base for 19B, this will be the place for Members to view the loco either in the museum roundhouse or running along the tracks.
Such a rallying point would be a huge asset and 19B would be exactly what we need, although 19B is indeed very famous among some railway enthusiasts, the majority have never seen it. At Statfold, the locomotive will be much more accessible to the public than it ever could be at ‘The Beeches’
The Trustees are determined to restore the 19B to working condition, and currently, they have contracted with the Ffestiniog Railway to design and gain regulatory approval for the new boiler.
This is expected to take until close to the end of 2024, following which the Trustees will invite quotations to have the boiler built. This is expected to take nearly a year, so final re-assembly ands testing will likely be over the winter of 2025/26, and the loco should, then be back in full service for 2026. The overhaul work itself is being carried out at Statfold Barn, who have generously offered to cover the labour costs of the overhaul.
Of course, a new boiler does not come cheap, and that, with the other overhaul costs is expected to total about £228,000. Most of this has already been raised but (at September 2024), another £20,000 is still required. To donate, please follow the 19B Trust website link below, were lots more info can be found.
This represents a real opportunity – to be part of the story of a genuine DHR tank locomotive from Sharp Stewart, Glasgow in 1889.
19B frames being overhauled at Statfold
Pride of place in the museum building at Statfold
being prepared for use on their line in 2023
19B in steam at Statfold, July 2023
The old boiler, now found that it was not the original one but ~20 younger, the old copper inner firebox that was well past useful life and the frames on display in March 2024