The Darjeeling Himalayan Railway Society is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, no. 7406570. Registered office: Lime Tree Lodge, Thorpe Road, Mattersley, Doncaster, DN10 5ED
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The Cresswell Rails Archive
Thanks to an introduction by DHRS member Nick Trudgian,
Dick Cresswell, probably Australian's most famous WW2 fighter pilot,
gave these rails to the DHRS for safe keeping.
Rail Marked:
Gauhati Nuzira
Last link
7 - 6 -1900
(A.B.R. stands for Assam Bengal Railway)
Rail Marked:
Hill Section
Last Rail
linked in
May 10th 1903
G.B. Cresswell
This railway ran between Badarpur & Lumding, through 33 tunnels & covered ways on gradients as sever as 1 in 37. Connection was made at Dyong (now Dayang or Dayung) Bridge.
Rail Marked:
Last Rail linked
G.B. Cresswell
G.M & E.N.C.
C.C. Royston R.E.
T. Pkone A.Y.O.
G.C. Patterson A.E.N.
A.Y. Linger Y.D.O.
(on reverse)
This piece commemorates the last rail link for the
D.H.R. extensions on
24 February 1915
These artefacts are presently held by the Society Archivist.