The Darjeeling Himalayan Railway Society is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, no. 7406570. Registered office: Lime Tree Lodge, Thorpe Road, Mattersley, Doncaster, DN10 5ED
Web site designed in-house by DHRS © 2025
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The Darjeeling Himalayan Railway Society Internet Sales Shop

Within our shop, you can join our Society or Renew your membership.

We have a large selection of books, magazines & binders, atlas, maps, plans.
DVDs showing the locomotives and trains on the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway.
The DVDs and books give a sample of life, showing the people and views along the line.

Payment is by the secure shopping cart, paying by
MasterCard & Visa Credit & Debit cards, Maestro
using the WorldPay system.

Click here to go to our Sales Shop

 mastercard visa maestro   poweredByWorldPay

Note that WorldPay charge us about 4% to use the facility, but it is worth while for
the “paper trail” that it gives us and the ease of World-wide credit card shopping for our members and non-members.

Our best selling books

Please note, that if you are unable or do not wish to buy via the web,
you can write to the sales officer with your order details, including P&P, payment is best made by direct bank transfer to sort code 403811 account 61345885 (name DHRS).
As with all letter post there is no ”paper trail” until we receive the order, please note that a cheque from non-members and/or overseas, will have to be “cleared” by the banks before dispatch of goods. Please note that the banks now charge us for possessing cheque's.


We attend a number of Model Railway exhibitions, run by Martin Collins,
where most of our stock items will be for sale.

Click here to go to our Sales Shop

DHRS stand at Statfold Narrow Gauge Museum, at
Statfold Barn Museum, Tamworth. September 2024