The Darjeeling Himalayan Railway Society is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, no. 7406570. Registered office: Lime Tree Lodge, Thorpe Road, Mattersley, Doncaster, DN10 5ED
Web site designed in-house by DHRS © 2025
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Web-Link Policy.
The  Darjeeling Himalayan Railway Society strives to do as much as possible to further the aims of the DHR and other organisations that strive to do the  same. Regrettably the Officers of the DHRS have encountered problems where complaints about the contents of and/or activities of sites linked to from the Society's site have been channeled to the society rather than the organisation  running the site in question. To minimize the risk of this reoccurring, the DHRS committee has instigated the following policy.

The  DHRS's policy is to only provide links to sites that fall into one or  more of the following categories.

1. Other DHR support groups with no commercial imperative.
2. Railway preservation societies and special interest groups with no commercial imperative.
3. Sites that contain information or provide services that may prove useful  to visitors planning to travel to Darjeeling.
4. Sites that contain further information relevant to content published on WWW.DHRS.ORG
5. Commercial sites provided that :-  

a/ Such sites appear to be reputable and follow industry best practice.
b/ The DHRS believes items sold are of relevance to the DHR.
c/ There is no perception of conflict of interest between the linked site and the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway Society.

All  decisions as to whether to link from WWW.DHRS.ORG to a candidate site will initially be taken by the DHRS's webmaster usually within 2 weeks of receipt the request to link. In cases of doubt the request will be referred to the full committee within 3 months of the request where a final decision will be made.
The DHRS committee retains the right to decline to link to any site where the committee judges that such a link would be contrary to the interests of the Society or the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway.

Visitors attention is drawn to terms  and conditions of this site. 

Date Last Modified: 01/2023

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