The Darjeeling Himalayan Railway Society is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, no. 7406570. Registered office: Lime Tree Lodge, Thorpe Road, Mattersley, Doncaster, DN10 5ED
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Darjeeling Tours Ltd.

Darjeeling Tours Ltd has grown out of the first tours operated to the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway for the DHRS – these commence over twenty years ago in 1999, since when the company has operated between one and four tours to the line each year, and has expanded to offer tours to other parts of India (and the world!) since then.  
It is fully bonded for financial security with its own ATOL licence 10045.

Because of the close relationship between the Company, the Society in  the UK,  the Society’s Indian chapter and the local management of Indian Railways, we always seem to be able to do a little bit more than our competitors – for example, most of our tours feature a dining train.  Setting off at dusk, we serve a quality three course dinner on the train as the little ‘B’ class steam locomotive blasts up through then forest.  
No other company can offer this fabulous evening out!

For those keen on learning a bit more about the railway, we can facilitate introductions to railway departments or local individuals.  Most of our tours feature not just the railways, but the best of Indian tourism too – many tours feature a visit to the Taj Mahal, a ‘must’ for anyone visiting India for the first time.  Our aim is to give you a good introduction to the subcontinent – by the end of the tour, you will have a good idea of the way India works, and the confidence to tackle the locals haggling over the price of souvenirs!

Have a look at our website (click the link) for full details.  
Feel free to give us a call 01777 817798 we are always happy to talk about our tours

Email :-

Lime Tree Lodge
Thorpe Road
DN10 5ED

We also offer tailor made holidays to India if you'd prefer to travel independently.