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DHR Awareness Programme 2021

For the first time, Inner Wheel Club Darjeeling had the DHR Awareness programme with only a boys school.

The boys were from Darjeeling Government High School between the age group of 10 to 15 years. We could not take the students of one particular class as the schools are closed .So the Asst. headmaster-in-charge had to select boys who live close to the vicinity of the school, - hence the age difference.

The event was held on 14th November, 2021 - Children's Day.
We gave  25 children a joy ride on the DHR train from Darjeeling to Ghoom and back. They were escorted by the Asst. Headmaster--in-charge of the school and two other staff along with a couple of Inner Wheel members .

Before the ride,they were told to draw The Darjeeling Toy train as I see it.
All the boys participated in the competition.. We had divided them in two categories.. Juniors 10 to 12 years and Seniors 13 to 15 years. We had 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes each for both categories.

For the Juniors the 1st prize was a badminton racket with shuttle cork, 2nd prize T Shirt and 3rd  24 pieces colour pencil sets, drawing book and geometry box  and
For the seniors it was .. 1st prize.. Badminton racket set with shuttle cork, 2nd..Football, and 3rd..T Shirt.

And a consolation prize of Darjeeling souvenir and a lazar torch.

Each child was given a packet of chips and a chocolate to munch on during the journey followed by a lunch box.

Each child, the escorts and the Members of the Press Guild present at the event were each given a copy of the Darjeeling Wonderful Railway -A visitors guide.
They took the Diesel 12 noon train. Stopped at Batasia Loop, took pictures, and then proceeded to Ghoom and visited the Rail Museum.

It was a wonderful clear day with snow view, happy faces of children. A day full of fun and frolic. They shall remember this ride for a long time to come.

The Press Guild were informed by us and they were present at the station before the departure of the train. The event has been well covered by the Press with pictures in Bengali, Nepali and Hindi Newspapers and Darjeeling News channel.

Mr Dewas Pradhan, Asst Headmaster-in-charge, of the school, has sent his gratitude on behalf of his staff and students to DHRS., UK, and Inner Wheel Club, Darjeeling.

Most important, we would like to mention here, that Mr.Anshul Gupta, General Manager of North Frontier Railway, was present at  Darjeeling Railway station, with his wife Abha, and mother Janaki Devi on that day. They were there for the Ghoom festival.
Mr.& Mrs.Gupta got on to the train before it departed , talked to the children, wished them an enjoyable trip and Happy Children's Day and distributed chocolates and sweets to the children.

Inner Wheel Club thank DHRS ,UK, for their continuous support in this event every year. We are very grateful to one and all at DHRS, UK.
This report is by Maya Primlani